Artwork by Cecile Hoodie

Bee Curious

Curated by GIRLS #projectBee powered by Bumble Germany, in partnership with Goal Girls & Co-creagency Berlin.

Curated by GIRLS was invited by BUMBLE Germany & Goal Girls to host our own Project Bee event, during a cocktail evening in Berlin to discuss the art of curation. For this occasion, we presented an art exhibition questioning standards of femininity, a live-printing by Badass Prints, and an interactive photobooth by Sophie Steiner, at P7 Gallery.

“To ‘curate’ means ‘to take care’ in latin. To me, being a curator is about being helpful to artists. To help them realise their project. And EVERYONE needs a little helper in their life. Together we are stronger! πŸ’ͺ
Thank you everybody for coming to our β€˜Bee Curious’ event powered by @bumble_germany in partnership with @heygoalgirls & ❀ Glad that Curated by GIRLS could be part of #projectBee, a beautiful series of events celebrating fierce women. It was an honour to share my story with you all at @p7_gallery . I am proud of all the 12 wonderful artists that were exhibited, each reclaiming the feminine force! Also i want to thank @sophie_stoner & @badassprints for joining us and making this event so HOT πŸ”₯πŸ”₯.
More ‘Project Bee’ events coming up this summer πŸβ˜€οΈ, download Bumble, swipe through the app and click on the event profile for your opportunity to attend one of them.”Β  – Laetitia Duveau

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