Erika Clugston


Erika Clugston is an artist and writer based in Berlin. She has degrees in fine art and English from Southwestern University. Erika is originally from New Mexico, U.S.A. where she developed her love of bold color and art.

Twisted Myths, her current project, is a series of paintings that critique and re-imagine historical themes and motifs. With bold colors and juicy paint, Erika’s work reflects the zeitgeist of today, expressing the contemporary anxiety, millennial burnout, personal angst, and general #mood of our distorted reality.
Each painting plays with distortion, twists the myths that we hold as tradition, and deconstructs the stories we tell as truths. Whether revisiting Eve as the original censored woman, or simply painting a belly and memorializing the expansive flesh that we are taught to hide, Twisted Myths is a means of catharsis – a way to reclaim and recontextualize what we think we know.

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