Our ongoing IRL project “new Femininity” took place for the 1st time in Lisbon, Portugal, with its 4th edition, “A Nova Feminilidade” group show, in Thirdbase Studio/ Marvila, from March 8 til March 29, 2022. The exhibition was organized as part of the France-Portugal season @saisonfranceportugal @temporadaportugalfranca 2022 🇵🇹+🇫🇷, with the precious support of the French Institute saisonfranceportugal.com and with goodies by @womanizerglobal @enfin.bio & @thepureapp.
The exhibition celebrated femininity in all its shapes and sizes through the works of 32 female-identifying artists + a special selection by sex-positive dating app @thepureapp.

Photo credit: @alina.gross
The Artists
Alina Gross (@alina.gross), Amandine Kuhlmann (@amandinekuhlmann), Barbara Portailler (@barbara_tab_portailler), Blandine Pannequin (@blandinepannequin), Cara Trancada (@cara.trancada), CATY (@catxyyyy), Cécile André (@cecileandre_), Elena Antonini (@el.ena.antonini), Elsa Kostic (@kostic_c), Fanny Beckman (@feckman), Francisca Sousa (@techorpsen) Giulia Giu (@giuliagiu____), Helen Salomão (@helesalomao), Jazmin Calcarami (@jazmincalcarami), Júlia Da Costa (@ajuliadacosta), Laura Calado (@girl.gag), Lisette Marguerite (@setisdeadbaby), Lydia Metral (@lydiametral), Mabru Rodrigues (@mabrurodrigues), Mafalda Slam (@mafalda.slam), Marisa Kimmel (@marisakimmel), Rebecca Fontaine-Wolf (@rfwolf), Rebecca Dorothy (@rebeccadorothyx), Romy Alizee (@romixalizee), Sara Hini (@sara_hini), Shannon Sinclair (@shannonsinclairphoto), Tatiana Saavedra (@tats.aavedra), Virginie Martinez Serrano (@virginiemartinez_)
+ a special selection by @thepureapp
Anna Koroleva (@anyakokoroko) Claire Prouvost (@claire.prouvost) Nina Stadnik (@stadniknina) & Zlata Ulitina (@takoysyakoy_)

Photo credit: Vera Marmelo @veramarmelo
Prints available in our SHOP