Nene Wilson


Nene Wilson aka NENECREATES, is a photographer & filmmaker from Curacao Island, now based in Holland. Her work explores the human body, and is inspired by innovation, individuality, self-love and her own roots.

Starting as a dancer, I developed my love for the human body and its beauty. After an injury I realized that we as human beings underestimate our power. 
This photography series is called “KURPA” (meaning “body” in Papiamentu) and features 5 beautiful roses that are willing to
grow and share their authentic selves. I had the blessing of creating beauty based on self-love and individuality. I am inspired by the beautiful rawness, that is missing in this world. My aim is to capture real women in a raw and honest way.

Oh she breathes so softly
Like innerpeace
Inhalations of air & rivers of blood.
1 thousand steps, I’m going forward
Yet the only growth possible is when vulnerability emerges,
Yes, I see pure lines on the curves of my body
1,2,3 generations of ungoing searches, I stand
They have fought that battle for me
Now love is to be found within
One body
She is the first to see
7, 8, 9 months cooked in your mothers belly
And all she wanted was to be thin
Why not free?
My dear rose I will help you say
“there is  love hiding in every part of me”

poem by Nene Wilson
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