Of Earth, Wisdom and Mother

A Tale of Strength and Femininity.

This story delves into the potent facets of femininity, age, and the profound connection with the Earth. It challenges traditional notions of womanhood and celebrates women’s independence through unique accessories made from various materials like ceramics, glass, stone, and metal. These objects symbolize personal achievements and social status, similar to modern social media displays of wealth. They represent a deep connection to the Earth, highlighting its abundance and generosity. The model embraces her age and body, adding a maternal aspect to the narrative, and she confidently encourages everyone to take pride in and proudly showcase their possessions with wisdom.

Photographer: Esmee de Kreij @esmeedekreij
Ceramic artist and model: Angelique Janssen @vazenvanjanssen
Make-up artist: Bianca Fabric @biancafabrie
Fashion Designer: Dimitry @dimitry1970 & Frenko Krul @bykrul
Hair artist: Martin Wentzel @theflyingbarber

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