Aleena Sharif, the artist glorifying the female body on large scale canvas.


Aleena Sharif’s work mainly focus on oil painting and nude female figures with the aim to confront issues of negative connotations around the female body and body image.

I work to normalise confidence and move away from this unforgiving stereotype against women.

Aleena Sharif

My aim is to create a sense of power, in the way the figure fills the canvas and the pose. It’s often large scale and larger bodies and usually they are almost looking down on to the viewer which creates this sense of demanding attention. This then starts the conversation of reclaiming space and unapologetically being loud, in your face and not shying away.

Aleena Sharif

I try to keep it as realistic as possible so you will often see hair, stretch marks, rolls, not only included in my work but usually highlighted, or even go as far as to say glorified.

Aleena Sharif
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