Eleonora Sabet


Eleonora Sabet is a freelance portrait and documentary photographer, born in Italy with Arabic origins, currently based in between Milan and Amman. Self-taught, she started developing an interest for photography through self-portraits and later found an interest in documentary photography. In 2018 she started travelling in the Middle East to find more about her origins, to document her family history, and develop other projects such as the condition of young couples in the Middle East and the LGBTI+ community. In 2020, because of Covid-19, she started developing an online project about quarantine.

Photographing myself is therapeutic. It allows me to welcome and understand my fears. By placing a specific emotion in time, I remember how easily it can change over the years. I’ve always lived in the past. For many years, I was obsessed with finding the main causes of my depression. During my darkest times, at night, I used to analyze the events of the past, writing notes that I would then take each week to meetings with my therapist. At some point, these notes were replaced with self-portraits. Photography has given me the opportunity to trace my emotions, and then over the years, make me realize how much those emotions can change.”


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