
From what we were to what we are.

This series by Toni Olver, celebrates and exhibits the beauty of a 21st century contemporary form of self love and strength, found in our youth today. Aiming to highlight the unbelievable rate at which the youth are progressing in the age we live in. The series portrays the journey of a youthful woman from an abstract birth, to a juvenile beauty, building blocks of strength and then fulfilment in power and progression. 

Our young people have always been the driving force of our communities but the new generations are making sure that their voices are heard and respected by all. A movement we have taken witness to just this past year with the BLM movement and protests that had young adults and teenagers at the forefront. 

We should all aspire to have the determination that our young people have today, they are not afraid to be heard even if they may offend others. It’s so important to stand for what you believe even when the whole world may be against you.

I hope this series is able to communicate a message of self love and immense drive for making a difference in this world no matter how small. 

Images: Toni Olver @toniolver
Makeup: Toni Olver @toniolvermua
Model: Mila Plakonouris 

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