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Olivia Wein


Olivia Wein is a young, New York City based Photographer, working to find out who she is to herself, other people and the world as she knows it. She found her love for photography through an old friend and continues to find it, and fall in love with it, over and over again through new ones.

My dad once said to me, “art is a visceral experience.. never feel the need to explain first.” When he said this I disagreed. I have always believed that if words and photography were people they would be deeply and passionately in love with each other. They compliment each other, they elevate each other, and they can become something totally new–and most likely better– when they are put together. However, recently, both seem equally true. So with these two completely opposite view points floating around in my creative subconscious- you get this strange mix of the two.”

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