Clothilde Matta


Different artistic fields cross each other in Clothilde Matta‘s work, among others, photography, painting, video and theatre. This transdisciplinarity has become intrinsic to her artistic creation and has led to moves, passages and multiple encirclements, which propose to decompartmentalize the vision of the female body.

Through sensuous and poetic images, she draws forth a langage of hybridization, she likes confusing the issue at hand by mixing several artistic disciplines, questioning the frontier between eroticism and the displayed body. She works on mystic and at the time sensual images, bearing numerous interrogations concerning our relationship to the world, notably the representation of female’s desire, expressing without beating about the bush through fragments, a specific detail. The ‘Hors champ’ is as important as what is shown, it is a work on the phantasm’s strength. The unspeakable and inexpressible sacred suddenly appears and exists grace to a profane rift, which she chooses to show, rousing order or chaos. The notion of the mystical is always present in Matta’s work, either in the light which reveals the body or hides it – in an investigation of the appearance or disappearance of these bodies or through biblical and historic references.
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