by @helenemastrandreas

For Eve Bitoun, as an actress, her body is a vehicle, a place of expression and repair. At 49, she assumes her body, with its folds, less smooth, less muscular, less plump. She assumes it because it is part of the female body, extracting herself from the male gaze which makes the female body profitable, and sets an expiration date for it.
Eve has a different relationship with the body since she immediately considered resilience. As a child she suffered a pedocriminal aggression. She did not accept it and decided to survive, even if it created weaknesses that are still there today.

As a female photographer, it is interesting to represent a 49-year-old woman with kindness and empowerment. To look at a woman, her strength, her personality, her vulnerability and her sensuality.

Hélène Mastrandréas

Talent. Eve Bitoun @eve.bitoon
Photographer. Hélène Mastrandréas @helenemastrandreas
Make up. Flavie Terracol using Mac Cosmetics @flavie_terrakhol @maccosmeticsfrance

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