Myriam Tisbo 1


Myriam Tisbo is a 23 years old Fashion photographer based in Milan, known for the strong colors and the particular perspectives in her shots. With her work she explores her female gaze and aims to subvert the ubiquitous male perspective.

‘As I Reborn’

Our fears and insecurities make us accept inexplicable situations and blind us in seeing how much some relationships are only chains we are tied to, because we are afraid of not being able to do without them.

This type of relationship is not love, it could better be called addiction and it does not make us free, it makes us slaves of our own weaknesses, depriving us of a form of sincere love for ourselves which is the indispensable form for then having a healthy relationship with others.

A relationship is an enrichment, it is not the need to fill what we do not have the strength to find within ourselves. Rebirth from every experience begins with ourselves and nobody can contribute more to this discovery than yourself.

Photography by Myriam Tisbo @myriamtisbo
Styling by Valentina Patara @ara_vu
Makeup and hair by Chiara Soldi @chiara_mua
Model is Caoilainn Shola Haastrup @cai_oreilly
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