
STATUT is the relationship with deconstructed femininity in an interwined cruel and gentle way, between fragile and strong. This research raises new questions in the individual and common paths, from the legitimacy to show oneself to the marriage of different disciplines.

Through this project, contemporary artist Laetitia Bica, along with performance artist Daphne Agten, have been exploring for several years the sector of the stage and visual art in general. More than a shared interest in the body as a tool, envelop and sensitive material, this meeting is based on a game of mirrors: Laetitia, behind the lens, and Agten in front.

We share a similar morphology, often marginalized, and a look strongly anchored in feminism.

Laetitia Bica places research at the heart of her work. If her aim is above all to make an image, in order to say, to give, to see, to reveal, it is essential to consider her works as cuttings: each one is the trace of a creative process which, from hypothesis to experimentation, questions the relationship of the artist to her natural and human environment.

I see the body as the fundamental basis of our inner and outer societal issues. Starting from the postulate that any socially constructed image is necessarily limited, therefore limiting.

My processes explore the creation of links in the encounter. This soft and cringe confrontation is for me inescapable: before discovering the otherness in itself, it is in the friction with the other that everything begins.

Photographer : Laetitia Bica @laetitiabicahttps://laetitiabica.be/
Performer : Daphne Agten @daphneagten_trixiedivine

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