“Holy water, I wanna know what being born again feels like” is a fantasy visual tale about taking control of oneself back. Shamelessly and fearlessly, our female figure regains control of her female body. She’s not afraid anymore of society’s dictates and norms, she’s taking the power back and she’s becoming as powerful as a goddess. She delivers us her inner self through a glossy, colorful and pop journey that explores nowadays digitalized world. The use of vintage second hand luxury product in the collages underlines the idea of “being born again”, the importance of giving a second life to products in order to be more sustainable and helping our planet to be healthier, as powerful as a god and thus be forever. 

credits : 
Photography. Lysa Thieffry @lysathieffry @frommars_studio
Model. Rose Dusser @rose.dusser
Make up. Amélie Cheron @kyllame
Hair. Brigitte Meirinho @brigittemeirinho
FX. Héloise Lescure @heloise__makeup
Collage.  Lysa Thieffry @lysathieffry

Clothes Design by @laa_rubiaa

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