Joanna Chwiłkowska’s Risqué Postcards

Polish multidisciplinary artist Joanna Chwiłkowska, currently based in Berlin, uses photography, video and also voice to explore themes such as mental health, sense of identity, sexuality and the concept of “belonging somewhere”.

Risqué Postcards” is a series inspired by cabinet card, a style of photograph which was widely used for photographic portraiture after 1870. Joanna invited model Renée Nesca to recreate the atmosphere of intimate nudes with the support of Berlin designers. 

Team credits:
photographer: Joanna Chwiłkowska @asidron
model: Renée Nesca @renee.nesca
fashion: House of Gobin @houseofgobin & Before 7am @before_7am
studio: Fotografie Berlin e.V. @fotografieberlin

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