Joseph Wolfgang Ohlert


Joseph Wolfgang Ohlert is a young german photographer based in Berlin. He has been working for two years on his project “Gender as a Spectrum”, a book that challenges gender norms.
Joseph has been travelling across the globe, looking for amazing personalities who don’t let themselves be restricted by steretypical binary gender roles.
The book’s approach is not to educate and show various definitions of gender but to display a variety of individuals out of the wide and shining gender spectrum. Every person has chosen deliberately to be who they are and live free from society’s pressure to fit into a generally accepted role.

This book is my final project of my studies of photography at Ostkreuzschule in Berlin. It’s a very personal piece of work since the question of how to define gender roles has been an integral and important part of my life. The way the people I photographed live their lives, independently and self-determined, impressed me repeatedly and had a lasting impact on me. Therefore, I decided to publish these portrays in form of a table book.
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