United Bodies is an ongoing photography project by Mabru Rodriguez, launched in 2018, dedicated to celebrating diversity, unity, and freedom by showcasing the strength and beauty of women and the vast diversity of the female form.

I started working on “improvised contact” technique, which I learned in the performing arts college. One person connects to another and the connection creates a body movement. I capture this moment, the state of each person’s soul, portraying the natural beauty of each woman.
Mabru Rodriguez

Amanda @amandavieiraqueen
Gabrielle @pretazn021
Williane @willianejacob
Vanessa @vanessaandressa
Tatiana @tatianaottoboni
Bella @mariposaquesuena
Luisa @luisa7bittencourt
Producer: Mariah Navarro / @mariah_navarro
photographer: Mabru Rodrigues/ @mabrurodrigues
project: United Bodies / @united_bodies