
“SITUA” is a music video by German & Turkish filmmaker Paulina Akbay @paulinaakbay, in collaboration with Afro-Neo Soul singer Donia Touglo @doniatouglo. The video draws attention to how we have lost our connection to the spiritual and natural part of society. Akbay presents this concept in her own individualistic style. The law of entropy suggests that everything in the universe is part of an irreversible process; even the seemingly unnatural and disconnected times we live in are part of nature and evolution. 

Written, directed and produced by Paulina Akbay @paulinaakbay
Artist: Donia Touglo @doniatouglo
Dancers: Laura Rachel Sachs @kassiopeiah, Palesa Moloto @pali_oto
Director’s Assistant (DA): Hildegard Oehler @mentalriots 
Production Assistant (PA): Palesa Moloto
Directors of Photography (DOPs):
Nils Domrös, Shamila Lengsfeld @shamila.lengsfeld, Sarah Ann Oexmann
Lighting & Audio Engineer: Nils Domrös
Editing: Paulina Akbay, Hildegard Oehler
Grading: Paulina Akbay
Set Design: Paulina Akbay, Hildegard Oehler
Make-Up: Hildegard Oehler, Whitney Dickmeis @whit__art
Costume Design: Hildegard Oehler
Illustration: Hildegard Oehler

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Margherita Loba Amadio